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how it all started

the fashion world has been stuck on repeat, splitting styles into 'his' and 'hers' as if identity fits neatly in boxes.


A group of passionate friends, founded this brand in 2012, not just to change fashion, but to redefine it entirely—to create something that resonates deeply with those who, like us, have longed for a world that sees them for who they truly are.  

From my earliest memories, fashion was more than clothing; it was the language I used to express my deepest self. Growing up, I always felt different but couldn’t quite put my finger on why. Clothing became THE element of my self-discovery and expression. From my tearful pleas to avoid wearing dresses to the liberating experience of picking out my first outfit from the boys’ section with my Memere, each moment was a step towards understanding and growing into my identity.  

With travelerpuravida, we aimed to do more than just create another clothing line; we sought to forge a space where everyone could find themselves, a place that celebrated individuality beyond the binary. We recognized early on that terms like ‘unisex’ and ‘gender-neutral’ were not going to cut it—they often overlooked the essence of what it means to truly cater to all bodies and identities.

There are many, many helping hands over the years that have and continue to contribute to our vision!

We’re not perfect, and as a small company, we constantly face our share of challenges. But we are doing our best, always striving to keep moving forward and growing—not just for ourselves, but for all of us, for every individual who believes in what we do.  

Our mission to dismantle the traditional boundaries of fashion is far from over, but every day, with every piece we make and every story we share, we get closer to a world where fashion is truly for everyone.


Our mission is to revolutionize the fashion landscape by re-imagining the traditional binary. travelerpuravida is dedicated to building a brand that stands for individuality.

We create authentic, sustainable, and mission-driven products designed for bodies, not confined by gender norms.


PDL is more than an acronym for Peau De Loup it stands for the Proudly Different League! We envision a brand as diverse as the individuals we represent. As a purpose-driven brand, we cultivate a community-led culture that embraces inclusivity and diversity, striving for positive change through our authentic products.

We are not just selling clothes—we are crafting a legacy of change, and every one of you is a vital part of that story.

Here’s to more years of breaking barriers together and stitching a narrative that champions diversity in its truest form.

we're not just reshaping fashion – we're on a mission to revolutionize it.

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